Saturday 27 June 2015

The Coral Coast

I have never been interested in the concept of "heading North for the Winter" I have always really enjoyed living with four seasons, to the point of sometimes lamenting living in Brisbane because there is not enough change in the seasons.  Well I have to say I think the Coral Coast may have changed my mind.

For the last 10 days or so we have been basking in the glories of what is known here as the Coral Coast.  Starting to the north at Exmouth heading south to Carnarvan.  Ningaloo Reef follows the coast and at places you can simply walk in off the beach and swim over some beautiful corals and other fantastic sea life.  The daytime temperature is around 27 and the water temperature has been around the 22-23 degrees mark.  Big blue skys and white white sand.  Yep I think a couple of months here each year would be ok with me.  Even some clothing optional beaches for the allover suntan.

I went out on a day cruise to snorkel the outer reef which is around 2km off the coast - just fantastic and was very lucky to spend some time in the water following manta rays (these guys can get up to 4m across) barrel rolling across the sea floor trying to stir up food.  A very special day!

Back on land for those of you interested in a bit of history - Exmouth the town was created simply to house workers on an American Communications base - have a look at the photos I have included a interpretive board explaining it.  Bit different now - it has a fancy marina and even a canal estate.  And then here in Carnarvan where we are at the moment - there is a Space and Technology Museum built around a Tracking Station and a OTC Satellite Earth Station built to support the Gemini, Apollo and Skylab programs. I think all this has to do with the fact that this part of the coast is pretty close to the most westerly part of mainland Australia. Steep Point is proclaimed the most westerly point but it is only minutes west of us and as much as I would like to make it to that point I don't think we will be going the track is a bit rugged.

The water is very clear - the dark bits in the water are the reef structure.

My day on the reef was just fantastic.

See the white rectangle down by the sea - expand the photo and you will see that is Midi bus - we are camped right on the shoreline

Me trying to bring some poetry to my photography

I need the sweats in the early morning but then look at that sky the day just warms up.

Sammie is loving the sand - he digs and digs 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still building sandcastles on the Coral Coast?