Thursday 11 June 2015

The land is vast but so are the gulfs!

We ummed and arrrahed (who knows how to spell that - I don't) about spending the money to go and see what is known as the Horizontal Falls.  It is all part of the big tides - masses of water run in over a flat shelf and then it turns around and runs back out again.  At the falls the water spreads out over a couple of big lakes and then when the tide turns it has to push its way out through a very small space.  There are all sorts of tours you can do but we settled on a flight over the whole area.  It was great just us and the pilot we felt very special.

Here are some photos- the Buccaneer Archipelago and King Sound if you want to find them on the map find Derby and look to the North.

At Derby we also experienced our first sunset over the water - one of a lot more to come I think.

How big is that plane - not big!

You know you are getting old when you ask the pilot if he has a drivers licence.

Heading out over King Sound

The only Road to Cape L  but we flew - and landed for a nice lunch  near the beach.

Some of the many islands and secluded beaches in the Archipelago

Mining is everywhere in WA!

The Horizontal Falls - the water has this great urge to run out to the gulf.

Heading home with the sun going down over the water.

I am completly fasinated by the water system would love to come visit in the wet season.


Unknown said...

Wow - great photos. Worth the effort it took to get there!

Debbie Smart said...

Simply amazing & totally breathtaking.