Thursday 27 June 2013

In and around Ouyen Victoria

I hope no one is watching our journey to closely, I think it could be a little confusing we are doing a bit of a zig zag between the coast and the inland. We moved back north from the Grampions mainly because Midi bus needed a new tyre and we met a bloke and he seemed like a good bloke so we took his advice on where to get the tyre and then we headed 150k up the road to Ouyen where he told us he was going to working on some machinary and he would do a wheel alignment for us. So here we are in Ouyen.
We had a second reason for coming north. Jim left his new hat in a roadside amenities block about 2 weeks ago so we rang the pub (where we had had dinner and some drinks with the local potatoes farmers you may remember the blog on Parilla) anyway the barmen went across the road and retrieved the hat for us and we have been debating about how to get this $4.95 hat back. Well Ouyen is only about 130km east of Parilla so guess what we did today we drove the 260k to pick up the hat.It was great really because a couple of the farmers from our night out were in town and they remembered us and the publican (is that gender specific - Not sure) and her boyfriend also remembered us and well we just had to stay for lunch and a few beers didn't we. I drank coke.
We did do some touring on the way back as you will see from the photos - not sure why I didn't take some photos of the pub at Parilla, to busy having a good time I suppose.


gregory connolly said...

Nice to know Jim got his hat back, but with the money you spent on petrol you could have bought a new one and a pair of pants too!

Unknown said...

Oi, it's July 4th today - where the hell are you??