Thursday 4 July 2013

Swan Hill to Benalla

Yes we are still on the planet. Sorry been a little distracted and have been visiting with friends. We are now in my old stomping ground from my other life. The one before Parliament House that is. North Eastern Victoria and just a bit over the border in Mathoura where a good friend has a sheep farm. I did take some photos of the baby lambs to show you all but then I got all sentimental about the fact that I could be eating them next year and just couldn't post them. So you get some loverly photos of the area. Since leaving Mathoura we have been in Benalla for a few days visiting with my friend Mary-Lou and doing some day trips.

I have also included a photo of the dryer that nearly got me. I was a little pissed off because the Caravan Park managers have not been at all apologetic or thankful for me saving the building from burning down. Well at least letting someone know it was going to burn down if they didn't do something quick.

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