Sunday 14 July 2013

Mt Buller

A few photos from Mt Buller Ski Resort. We did have an idea that we might come here for a week so that JIm could get a chance to learn to ski. However the gods have not been on our side (or anyone else's who wants to ski) and there is not much snow and the weather has not been good. We have decided that we can't hang around this side of Victoria any longer waiting for the snow. We have come up to see the mountain just for 2 nights so Jim can get a feel for the place and I can catch up with some old friends. Some of you may not know but before I found my place at the Parliament I was a bit of a gypsy and worked all sorts of seasonal jobs a lot of it based around a 10 year stint at Mt Buller being a ski bunny (not). I am always telling Jim about my life here and really wanted him to get a feel for it.

Here are today's photos hopefully we get a little snow overnight and perhaps just a whisper of sunshine tomorrow to show you all this very beautiful place.


gregory connolly said...

Thought I should say hi . Have been following you on the bog which has been fantastic. OMG Jim in pants! Must be cold. Feel sorry that the snow was not available.
But thankfully Jim has his hat. Keep warm you two.

Unknown said...

Jim looks like he would be at home in lederhosen and long socks! Shame about the snow - you'll just have to take the bus to NZ.

Debbie Smart said...

Tony's comment about Jim in shorts, polo & thongs in snow. "Tell him he's no Tell him he's tough, a real pioneer"